"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

sunglasses & headphones

Can I tell you a secret?

 Whenever I put sunglasses on i turn invisible. And whenever I wear headphones, the world dances to my rhythm. :)


When I'm writing this I'm sitting in the Sanya airport at two AM waiting for the delayed flight of my girls. With an over priced sprite by my side, I've been watching as everyone around me talks, steps, and watches to the beat inside my head :) it is so interesting! It's as if the world has gone silent and im the only one who can hear the music. 

I love this feeling! It helps too that all my music is currently all mushy gushy cute love songs :) 

 It takes me back to when I would ride the Moscow metro and do the same thing. I'd put on Army's of Helamen, or some jazzy groove and watch as everyone swayed to the song in my head. It's a union nobody knows about except me! Haha :)


As for the sunglasses, I need a suitable pair. I've been on the look out.. And I'm hoping sunny Sanya can provide for the perfect ones. I miss being invisible.


Ps. There is no toilet paper in the bathrooms here at the airport.