As I write this I'm currently siting on a most beautiful look out a top a mountain island in hainan china.
I think God comes to places like this. To rest, and to ponder. I think he knows I am here. And is showing me what my soul should look and feel like.
Strong. Silent. Peaceful. Clear.
God belongs here. And i belong where he is. This is home. And I am so grateful.
I pray in places like this.
Hainan island, Jadon's cabin balcony, Pine Valley lake, the front of a ferry on the Baltic sea, amid orange and red leaves in Sweden, in a quaint coffee house in Estonia, on Utah hill at night with Jeremy, and back home on top of Dixie rock all by myself.
Everyday I feel congested.
Of thoughts, ideas, emotions, tasks. Too many faces, too many cars, too many tastes colors and words.
Before I realize it I am spurtially swamped. Possessed by things and emotions. I sometimes feel like I have no control...
And then I find myself in places like this.
Alone, on a perfectly windy out look. I see water and mountains in the far distance. I smell salt and fresh air. I hear silence. And I feel... Calm.
These places are home to me. They are a step out of the mundane into honest reality. They are true, and each one has become a piece of my heaven.
I am so grateful for this beautiful world, and for the opportunities to understand it. I am grateful for peace, humility, and fresh air.
I am truly blessed.