"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

stop and stare

I don't know if I have mentioned this before... But here in China, I stand out.

 Anyone over 5' 6" is tall.. Which makes me a giant. I have long blonde hair, and my eyes are blue. This basically equals one big giant surprise for all those Asians unaccustomed to seeing any other part of the world. 

 I also, while walking home from school or the grocery store, will occasionally bust out some flashy ridiculously awkward dance moves. ( its not my fault each store is blaring its own catchy tune!) This doesn't help this so called problem though.. But it does make people literally stop and stare. ( my roommates laugh, and rainy turns bright red, hehe)  

 Oh boy, I can't help but enjoy and laugh at all this. And I won't lie, it doesn't feel too bad to be gawked at. ;) it's actually kinda nice. Even on your worst hair days, and your it's-totally-a-sweat-day, days.. Your still a gem to be presented. It makes for an awfully pleasant "ugly day" :) 

 The funniest though is all the people who try to sneak a picture of you. That is, until one brave soul actually ASKS..and then before you know it there is a swarm of little dark haired people all around you wrapping their arms around yours and making everyone hold up a peace sign. and this happens more often then you think.  

 Last Sunday we went to a park and as we were trying to take a group photo of ourselves we ended up standing there for about ten extra minutes as people kept running between us and taking their pictures with the four fair skinned American girls. :) 

this past weekend vacation in Sanya was no different. On our first day, we walked down to the beach with intentions to find sun block, sun glasses, swim suits, and swim suit cover ups. Before we could even decide which way to go, one of these beach motor taxis came flailing by offering us a ride. For 5 yuan each (79 cents) we couldn't pass that up! After some pictionary of our choice destinations we were off! The whole entire time was such a blast! I caught some great candids,we got some pretty cute dresses, and our driver loved to show us off! Every time we passed one of his buddies in another car he would wrap his arms around us, or pat our legs and say "okay!" with a huge grin on his face. He also, while looking at dresses would tell us which ones were beautiful, and offered us a smoke with his giant bong... twas quite the experience! Even though these drivers were so nice, it took us FOREVER to get rid of them! they just wanted us to do everything with them. take a swim, eat some lunch... the list never ended. Finally we told them we were tired, and made a run for it. ..but not before he slapped my butt, TWICE!

haha, i'll sorta miss my friend though, he was quite the character. "okay!!!" :D

sigh.. I'm gonna miss this part of China I think. Girls, wouldn't it be great to ALWAYS be totally admired for your beauty? ;)(joke of course) 

 Ah well, that's why we have foreign countries.. To make ourselves feel good :P