"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

half the reason why

This is one of my favorite parts of life. 

Currently I am sitting down with myself enjoying a lovely breakfast with juice, on the patio of my hostel, in PERFECT weather. 

 Times and moments like these are what makes life worth it. 

You might get WAY over  charged by a taxi driver, wait at an airport for three hours, and find no toilet paper in the bathroom..again. 

 But then something like this.. With a little jazz saxophone makes it all worth it. :)  

That, and the ability to call the person you perfectly love and have a wonderful nice conversation with. :) (this also includes my mother, fyi.)

Today is going to be a good day :) a beautiful, frank Sinatra, fresh fruit, beach filled day :)



our lovely little hostel// a fresh fruit lady, they walk up and down the beach all day with tons of yummy delights.// the mini mango's i fell in love with!// and the first coconut i've ever tried.. not that good.// my EMPTY breakfast place, twas so yummy i forgot to take a pre-picture!// the food i DIDN'T eat for breakfast.. all over there were restaurants where you could walk up to a tank and choose your dinner.. they then would grab your choice and smash it on the ground :( not a splendid memory...// and sprite, to wash down a beautiful perfect day.// 
