"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Highlights of Sanya, day one

1. a delicious western breakfast to eat while talking to my sweetums and my mother? yes, they were out to lunch together. :)

2. riding around half the day on motorcycle taxi's and only paying 75 cents for the whole thing

3. buying a pretty peacock sun dress. ( & i don't even really like peacock stuff.)

4. trying my first mini mango. and then buying a million to consume all by myself.

5. getting some sun all over my skin as i slept on the beds on the beach

6. playing with the puppy Devon at the hostel

7. eat a slice of heavenly pizza... even though it cost a bit much

8. trying on "Okay" guy's sunglasses

9. buying my first set of real pearls, and take a photo of the ladies baby

10. sitting and watching all the locals dance to the samba and various other dances :)

11. watching juliana get asked to dance, and how quickly she picked up on the steps

12. staying up late to talk to my love, whilst getting bitten by awful mosquitoes. i have 47 just on one leg!

13. almost running into random cows in the road

14. drinking out of my first real coconut.

it was a beautiful day. :)

ps. i always forget to switch the setting on my camera, so some of my pictures turn out fuz fuz fuzzy.