The afternoon sleeps
stretched on the
floor here, beside you and me.
We have seen the
moment of our greatness flicker.
And have seen the
footman, hold our coats and snicker.
We are not afraid.
It is worth it.
Among the cups, the
marmalade, the tea,
among the talk of you
and me.
We are not afraid.
We bite off every
matter with a smile,
and squeeze the
universe into a ball.
One day, we shall be
like Lazarus and “tell you all, tell you all.”
That that is not it
at all.
We are not afraid.
After the sunsets,
and the sprinkled streets,
it is not impossible
to say what we mean.
We are not afraid.
We are not like
prince hamlet, nor are we meant to be!
More like arms.
Bracleted, white and bare.
But we are not afraid,
No, not at all.