"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful for the way I think. I like thinking that passion is the greatest tool, & that nothing should stand in your way of living life. I like thinking that joy can and should be endless, humility is the key, & imagination is power. I like doing things differently. I like proving people wrong. Proving myself wrong, or right. I'm thankful for the power of minds, and the gifts of the spirit. 


2. I am thankful that we are all different. 


3. I am thankful for people I talk to that inspire and uplift me. 


4. I am thankful for friends who can tell it how it is. Who have everyone's best interest at hand. 


5. I am thankful for hearts that are open wide. 


6. I am thankful for when good things happen for good people. Or when good things happen to people in general. 


7. I am thankful for hip, inspiring, soothing, & fun music. & I'm thankful for Courtle for making me a few grand CD's. 


8. I am thankful for the sun. 


9. I am thankful for morning walks, and good talks. 


10. I am thankful for change.