1. I am thankful for memories of awesome experiences. We can really learn so much from our experiences. They never stop teaching us.
2. I am thankful for people who have shared our Jacob's Scarves video!!! I was SO pleased when it was finally finished and i couldn't contain my excitement to share it! :)
3. I am thankful for organization. It makes me feel 23o4203948230948230 times better!
4. I am thankful for how wonderfully everything is coming together. Business cards, party invites, lawn signs, booths, bumper stickers, t-shirts.. the growth never ends!
5. I am thankful for the moments when we can say "enough is enough" and change up the direction of our lives. I've made a few changes in mine recently and it's already has such a happy effect on my day to day. :)
6. I am thankful for pools!!
7. I am thankful that my sweet bro allows me to use his computer. The speakers and extra large screen really give me such joy. :)
8. I am thankful for KLOVE positive alternative radio station. It's the best, most positive thing of my day!
9. I am thankful healthy food, and for when I made the decision to make a healthy choice. I've got to get better at this... :/ haha
10. I am thankful that everyone knows i love to travel, and that they'll never know when or where I'll run off to next. Keeping life on it's toes baby! :)