Today is my best friends 20th birthday.
We've been best friends since 7th grade, that's going on 9 years now..
best, craziest, profoundest, oddest, yummiest, inspiring 9 years of my life.
this beautiful girl has a heart of Jade.
{ I say Jade because it's the most rare and beautiful stone. Worth over 3 million..though you can't put a price on this gal.}
Shelb is truly rare and beautiful.
she is strong.
she is kind.
she is brave.
she is funny.
she is stylish.
she is a hard worker.
she is talented.
& she's still my best friend.
I am so grateful to have met a snips like her.
Here's to another 9 years of great memories, my dear friend.
Hope you feel better soon, and your twentieth year brings you nothing but life's truest miracles.
i love you.