"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

thankful thursday

1. I am thankful for Jenna, one of my girls here. She is such an easy going fun girl. And was certainly sent to my group for a reason. saint status, i'm telling ya. :)


2. I am thankful for when Jacob's grandma hikes his little pants up pasty his belly button before he runs out. Cutest thing ever. :)


3. I am thankful for good books, and great films. I am on the quest to read the Alchemist (?), and last night I watched "A Beautiful Mind." It was phenomenal! if you haven't seen, do it. right now. go! 


4. I am thankful J's mom is willing to help me plan great comebacks, no questions asked. ;)


5. I am thankful for my mothers willingness to supply me with all the things I've asked her to bring. Gifts for my friends here, cakes to make for the kids, decorations for our closing event, she is the sweetest mama around. :)


6. I am thankful for easy awesome conversation with J's family. They have been such a welcoming and loving bunch, and I've only known them for such a short while! SO excited to back home and spend some quality time :) 


7. I am thankful for long walks and ladies who give us their left over melons. Thanks stranger at the fruit stand, you made two girls very happy today! :)


8. I am thankful for good habits. Once you start establishing them, they can make you feel on top of the world. :)


9. I am thankful to all the people that got involved with my status on facebook when i asked "who's the nicest person you know?" I got so many true answers!! You'll see the reason why I asked the question soon ;) 


10. I am thankful for 1 yuan treats. which is equivalent to like.. nothing in dollars. booya!