"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Saturday, June 30, 2012

bippity boppity boo

Sometimes i wish i was or had a fairy god mother. How totally wonderful and awesome would that be? I'd wish for well, world peace of course. & then some more selfish things.. like..

 to be able to travel to China and the U.S in the blink of an eye.

to loose the bread weight i've gained in just this past week... 

for time to speed up and slow down, so i can be with jeremy longer, and sooner. all at the same time. 

to be two inches taller so i can at least be 6 feet. Hey, if you're gonna be tall, why not do it right, right? 

for my bangs to grow. dreadful things wont stop tickling my cheeks. ever. 

& to be tired when i should be, and wide awake when i should be. 

Of course I'll also wish for awesome things like a pool full of noodles, and a dog that could talk... but we don't have much time for silly wishes. (rather, we have all the time in the world. seriously.) 

and, that is what i am here to talk about. 

how backward, forward, sideways, rotten, & pristine we all are. 

Being back in the states has been a true eye opener for me. Spiritually, and in all other forms and matters. 

I don't mean to come back to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave and mock life styles. Or pass judgement on everyone living their own little lives. But I do wonder how far we have let ourselves drift from the true reality of life. 

I began this post with talk of a fairy godmother, and sometimes i have to think we aren't too far off from believing in this reality. But not in the white haired, blue dress, chubby cheek kind of reality. But the get-what-you-want-when-you-want-it kind. 

the instant-ness of life. 

I think we all to often see people working hard with no reward, and others hardly working with all the reward. We see poor judgments and selfish acts being glorified and upheld. We hear music and watch films that are tasteless and flooded with emptiness, and worst of all we often find (or more correctly loose) ourselves drifting from consciousnesses as we go about our daily mindless habits. The ability to have what we want, when we want it; and in any way we want it...has essentially ruined us. Humanity. 

though you must understand i don't believe we are ruined forever.

We have forgotten what makes us truly incredible creatures. the ability to dream, the ability to change our circumstances. We have the power to build better futures and lives for all living things around us. We have the power to enjoy and not just endure our existence. 

As humans, and especially as Americans, we have the ability to obtain our truest forms. our greatest divine natures. Godliness.

let this be a plea to myself, and all others who feel the same,  to finally say "enough is enough." and mean it. My mind was created for wonderful beautiful things. And i won't allow the drains of publicity, and the thoughts of corrupted, or negative others affect me. and I don't need to concern myself with habits that clog the brain. Whether they be physical or mental. Our minds need to be set free. 

if there is one thing living in China has taught me, it's that no matter our circumstance, we can be happy. 

less is more. 

ramble. ramble.