"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

you dance, right?

The girls that taught at our school the semester before us, were dancers. Once Rainey discovered this, they danced ALL the time, in front of EVERYONE. or so i heard. So prior to coming, i was warned that they might assume we too dance. Thankful for the warning, I made a goal to stay totally clear of the stage.. and anyone who even looked like they might enjoy dancing.

it's not that i have anything against dancing at all.. It's just that when it comes to dancing and rhythm.. i am THE whitest person you know. Once I had to even turn off my Hip Hop abs DVD ten minutes after starting because i felt so ridiculous.. and i was alone! Imagine my horror if i had to do that kind of stuff in public! Dancing is something i result to when it comes to breaking the ice, making people smile.. or embarrassing my friends in front of their new boyfriend.  I may have some hefty hips.. but they were not made to groove around the dance floor. Trust me.

unfortunately though (for everyone), my efforts were in vain.

Yesterday Rainey informed us that one of the male teachers, Tiger, wants to teach us a dance so that we can perform it in front of everyone on March 5th. And by everyone i mean, school officials, parents, students, and fellow teachers. greeeaaat.

unwillingly, we went up to the dance room to see what our fate would look like. & it seems like Tiger thinks all people, including those who have never danced in their life, are quick awesome learners... a hip hop dance. 

boy did he have another thing comin!

As we all looked at him like he was crazy, Rainey insured us it would be easy and prompted us to get started. Luckily one girl IS a dancer, so she made up for all the awkward horribleness the rest of us are.. but Tiger left still pretty frustrated. & trust me, so were we. I don't think three girls have ever gotten more bitter so quickly, then we did that night. ( did you know they have full length mirrors in dance rooms? point made.)

of course we pouted, and begged, and bartered, and pleaded, and did everything else humanly possible to get ourselves out of total public humiliation.. but Rainey wasn't having it. And the one girls enthusiasm to learn the dance only fueled Raineys persistence.

so were sore, nervous, humiliated, moody, & surely unpleasant.. but alas, we are dancing. if you can call it that.

Here's to "breaking a leg!"


ps. i really am trying to have a good mood about all of this, if you can't tell.
