"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday

1. I am thankful that our power came on again. Last night it went out and didn't come back on until about four PM. So what did four american girls do without electronics or microwaves? took the best long nap, ever! It was great :)

2. I am thankful (kinda) for hard flooring. Even though EVERYWHERE you step is slippery from the constant water that is on the floor, thanks to the humidity, I am grateful we don't have a mildew smelling house from carpet. Count every last blessing, right? :)

3. I am thankful that tomorrow we get to head off on our first vacation! We're going to Sanya, which is supposed to be the Hawaii of China. We leave tomorrow about 3:30, take a bus, a fast train, and then a subway to the airport where we will fly out at around 11pm. Then we will, hopefully, have three blissful days in paradise, and head home Monday night to do it all over again. :) We're really praying for good weather though because it is supposed to rain. How can we get tan if it is raining outside?! not cool Sanya, not cool. cross your fingers.

4. I am thankful for my dads comments on FB. Dad, they really do make me smile. :) They are either clever, kind, or so odd that I can't help but laugh. :) I miss you, by the way.

5. I am thankful that my mama emails me. (I'd call her Ma, but she would find a way to punch me through the screen if i did. ;) ) Really though, reading my moms emails is like a drug to me. I look forward to all their content, and it drives me CRAZY when there isn't one to read in the morning, mother. :) I love hearing how the family is doing, how you are doing, & what you are up to in daily life. I also like being able to share special experiences with you. I hope you know that. :)

6. I am thankful for p90x yoga. We practiced our dance today, went on a little run, and then did some yoga and my body is loving me for it! or at least it will eventually. ;)

7. I am thankful for Juliana and her calmness when it comes to our rotten attitudes about learning this hip hop dance. I promise, I'll get more cheery about it. haha :)

8. I am thankful that no one has mentioned their annoyance with my over used smiley faces or "haha's". My lack of vocabulary and age i was raised in has left me with a constant fear that if i don't smile or laugh in my writing that someone will take me the wrong way. and how awful would that be?! ;) (SEE?!!)

9. i am thankful for banana's and peanut butter, and my allergy pills.

10. I am thankful for my handsome boyfriend Jeremy. :) I can't even tell you how incredibly perfect he is for me. He says the perfect things, at all the right times. He always has this tone in his voice that exudes optimism. He sets goals for himself and achieves them, and helps me achieve mine. And he has loved me in spite of all my crazy. I'm telling you, this guy is superman. :)