"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Friday, October 21, 2011

thankful thursday

1. i am thankful for jalapeno chips. they make me drink more water than usual.
2. i am thankful for D.I.Y wedding gifts. {and crafty friends to copy.} :)
3. i am thankful for pinterest. it has made being off FB easy AND enjoyable. :)
4. i am thankful that my home is totally and compltely clean right now. and thanks to Wal-Mart and their low prices, my home smells of heaven. for only 5 bucks!
5. i am thankful for opportunities to help
6. i am thankful for moments of inspiration.
7. i am thankful for my puppy Mike. He kept me company last night. :)
8. i am thankful for the porch swing Jennie and i bought today. :)
9. i am thankful for finally having toilet paper again.. haha
10. i am thankful for people who encourage AND help me succeed and go after my goals