"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blame Netflix.

I'm not quite sure if today was a frustrating day, or a good day. 

I spent most of my day sitting on my bum watching T.V. 

I blame netflix. 

Really though, right after Lucy, I came straight home to watch THREE movies in a row, WHILE I shared a homemade vanilla shake with myself. It was romantic. Then I went to Lindsey's, (late) and watched Top Model AND Oprah. And right after that? I found myself plopped on Shay's couch "enjoying" episode after episode of Say Yes to the Dress, The Office, and What Not to Wear. 

its now midnight thirty.....and I can't decided if I am disgusted with myself, or if I just don't care. 


However, I know you wanna hear about an interesting but bothersome fact I learned about myself today. So I'll spit it out. 

I'm like a bendy straw. When I am by myself, or left alone, I can pretty much keep a straight angle with ideas like, where I want to go, and who I want to be. But the instant someone else comes along, I pretty much bend and mold to THEIR cup of chocolate milk. 

Its real frustrating. And I'm a little put off by it. 
Hopefully, however, now that I am very aware of this, I can steer clear. Hopefully. 

On the brighter side of things though, 
I have great friends :) and my parents are in New York for the weekend. 
This will be really good for them. 

I'm happy. :)

ps. wanna know a great desire of mine? 
I wish I was sexy. 

but, don't tell anyone.