"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the reason

behind the blog vamp, is right out the window. 

Today has been a great day. I woke up at seven thirty to get my cousin ready for school. After a glass of shared orange juice, & some backyardigans, I got to watch the rain come down until lunch time. It was so peaceful, and pretty. The rain doesn't fall like that in stg, and I don't have a little lake right outside my back door. Which makes for a pretty picture, especially in the rain.

 After a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, a couple phone calls, and an ab routine, I found myself being grabbed by the hand and led to the little lake outside.

 We searched for sunken Titanic's, pretended to see a turtle, and sunk a red bucket.

 Eventually it was time to pick up grandma from the airport.. which meant it was my time for myself to grab some fairy tales and sit in the wicker chair on the patio, and read till the sun went down, while enjoying the quiet. 

As the sun faded, I found myself inside warming up with a veggie burger (a good one too!) and listening to some John Mayer. (thanks to michelle woods blog ;) ) 

And with just my luck, I looked up from the blogs, and caught the perfect sun kissed sky.. and its reflection in the little lake.

My friends, life is good. 

There may be bumps, and too many windy roads, but when it comes down to it.. 
God never lets us down. 
And, life is good. 

I'm so grateful to be alive. :)