apparently a lot more today. how awesome.
I decided what I want to be when I grow up.
Yes, the age old, limitless, defying, soporific, dreadful question.. has been answered.
I want to be a :
Ice cream shop owner.
high school football coach.
the matron of an orphanage.
and an inspirational leader for young girls.
its a tall glass to fill. Good thing I have a lifetime to pour in the wine. er, Dr. Pepper, if you will.
now some other...stuff:
Recently I've been working on a book for my successor of Dance For a Cure, and its brought back a lot of great memories.. I already miss all the hard work it took, and the people I met being involved with this.. It was such a great experience, and I couldn't express to you the feeling of fulfilling one of your life's dreams. And while your still in high school... it baffles me how many opportunities are open to us, if we just take the time to look. I mean, Junior year I wasn't involved in ANYTHING. In fact, I pretty much kept strictly to myself. Keeping my head down, and my headphones on. But senior year.. that was a whole other world. Filled with Key Club, Madrigals, Plays, sporting events, dances, and human interaction! haha ;) Really though, I couldn't tell you how completely different all three years were. They are parallel universes to each other! However, each being the greatest of all. :)
and... talking about high school brings me to a mentionable worthy moment i have been wishing to write about since the night it happened... Senior Ball. I put this topic off for a while, because I wasn't quite sure where to start, or what exactly to say. But I think its high time I finally share one of the best moments of my life, for you to know my gratitude, and so that I don't forget! :)
Senior Ball was a dream come true. I couldn't tell you how long I had dreamed about perhaps getting crowned at a dance.. I think thats one of those things all little girls dream about. However, I kept this dream silent. Because I knew there was no way on earth I would EVER be crowned, or even chosen to be on a royalty. So...perhaps that is why the moment I was told i was on Senior Ball Royalty, all the moments on stage, and the moment I was crowned are clear as day to me. still. haha,
I. was. shocked.
Literally. I had no idea people even knew who I was.. I was just the punk that never went to class, haha ;). But whatever the reason... i was, and am beyond grateful for that opportunity. Senior Ball night became one of the best nights of my life. Not only because i was crowned, though that definitally helped ;), but also for plenty of other reasons..
Such as, I had the best date ever. He is my next door neighboor and is like a brother to me, I couldn't have asked for anyone greater.
And, to dance with ALL your friends, like you've never danced before, and like your never going to stop, is a feeling i hope EVERYONE gets to feel! its sooooo exuberant!
And perhaps the two best moments of the night, are when my little brother came to give me a big hug after I was crowned, and then asked me if i would dance the last dance with him. I never loved my brother more, than I did in those moments. He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and just thinking of his sweet heart that night, gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes..i love him so much!
I remember in our last dance, we did that classic move, where we hold hands and lean back and spin as long and as fast as you can.. EVERYTHING went into a blurr, and all i could see was his face. Some wish that moment to be spent with their significant other, but I am glad i got to spend it with my little brother. I love him so much. :) And that night couldn't have been better!
so, though i did not deserve any of it. I thank every single person who played a part in that moment, that memory, a very very VERY big thank you. I couldn't express to you what that did for me. or how it made me feel... I loved it! :)
and now, away with the mushy stuff, and onto some pictures! :)
oh, I also want to get married one day to someone funny.
that would be nice. but perhaps that is for a future blog post another day.. :)