"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday.

{seriously, so late.}

last week was rough. Real life rough. 
rough in ways i never thought it would be. 
and rough in ways i was preparing for, for quite some time.

the inside of my head, and heart, are quite jumbled and ... well, roughed up. 

but, despite it all, there was still plenty to be grateful for last week.

there always is. 

1. I am thankful that every time someone made the trip to visit J's new home in Kolob, they arrived safely. 


2. I am thankful for a good time without the internet. Yes, i still watched gossip girls, but at least I wasn't a facebook whore. {always a plus.}


3. I am thankful for good books. I'm currently re-reading Eat, Pray, Love. I can't tell you how much I love that book. 


4. I am thankful for random texts of love. 


5. I am thankful for the prayer, thoughts, and kind words of many of you. I'm not sure to handle life lately, but I can assure you the care I feel from everyone is a majour blessing. 


6. I am thankful for cheap paint. J now has a yellow, white, and grey bathroom for less then 15$. 


7. I am thankful for fresh air, and the smell of rain.


8. I am thankful that J looooooooves his new job. Everyone deserves to be happy with their life's work. 


9. I am thankful for Jerry. The man who has made J's mom unbelievably happy, and will continue to do so for the rest of forever come September 14th. 


10. I am thankful that J's son was born healthy, that he was able to see him on Friday. It was love at first sight.