"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Glitter in the air.

 What kind of friend am I? A wimp who runs away when the going gets tough? Not me, not ever!

 So.. why now?

 Why do I feel as if i am backing down.. when this is the time i most want to step up? 
I don't want to be a fool, but if taking the chance of bearing my true thoughts and feelings means i am one... than let it be. 

Because for as much fear as I have, I also have determination. 

I have been listening to the song "glitter in the air" by Pink, a lot lately. And I can't help but feel connected to the emotions of the song. In the end, its not me I am doing this for. And I mean that honestly. Its for you, friend. I'm putting myself out there, without looking back, because even though it terrifies me, I want you to know that someone does love you. And its always going to be me. No matter what. 

I breathe in slowly and quietly, and close my eyes.. and if i am completly honest with myself, I am doing it. Taking the leap of faith, throwing the glitter into the air.