"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

a freaking new one?

You know, I never wanted to be the person who was always changing their blog...

but oh well. 


I also haven't written anything of super great importance lately. 

{good thing i have a whole slew of semi important things else where!}

like, if you are ever bored... check out the tabs to your left. 
I suppose its my "most looked at." My favourite one is "I am home."

orrr, if you are really aching for something to do, take a gander to the right. Down near the bottom I've written some pretty interesting stuff, if i can say so myself. :)

I promise if you look past the complaining and the mindless goal setting, you just might be able to find something of use. 

so, go ahead! take a peek! throw away a couple of hours. 
Who knows... maybe someone will actually start enjoying themselves along the way. :)