"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

i am home.

i do not live in this world. I live in my own. my very own world. I do not know what it looks like, because my eyes do not live there. only my spirit does. only those parts of me that are still authentic, and still 100% greater than the entirety of all things within. It is, a place among places. I live there not alone. I am surrounded. But only by those who know they are there. Together, we are beautiful. And we are whole. Yet, we are ever changing.

i live of this world. I live surrounded. I can see, and I can hear. Here, it is tragically beautiful. Tree's share wisdom, rivers flow with power, children laugh with gratitude, and buildings rise with nobility. It is, a beautiful sight in my memory. A place among places. and, I am not alone. But together, we are alone. 

In my world, I have a home. It is light. It is all things pure and great. I live there all year round. Yet I am always about. I do not eat, I do not need to eat. For I am always full. I crave for naught. and I am always renewed. When I am in my world, I am strong. and I am great. 

Here, i hunger. for insatiable things, that stand firm. relentless. I can never have enough. or be enough. Here, I am always searching. But, i am also finding. My eyes shift from side to side, and they do not ever stop. I am lost, when I am home. I am always somewhere else. Here; I am not.

In my world, I sit. and this is everything. I am happy. and fear is unknown. In my world, I am nothing. Nothing but I am. Whole, peace, air, happiness, laughter, grand, and small. I am what I am. and I am everything. Nothing and everything. It is harmony.

When I came here, I forgot. My great eyes and my educated mind have tricked me. They tell me I see beautiful things, and this is  enough. But when I remember, I know that this will never be enough. I must feel. But, I am stuck here. trapped. lost. I have become a fraud in my own dream. I am nothing here.
 I am not, I am. 

But sometimes, sometimes I can feel. I close my eyes, and I see again. And i am back in my own world. No longer searching. I am back to peace. back to I am. 
I am back home.