"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

thankful thursdays

1. i am thankful for being able to "plug in" a lot less this week. Being here and not there is VERY enjoyable. 


2. i am thankful for all the good and wonderful changes that are happening in my friends' lives! Babies, marriages, missions, so much good for such great people. :)


3. i am thankful for conference. Even though i still haven't been able to listen to it fully, i have loved everything i have heard thus far. 


4.  emails from Elder Porter are enough to keep any girl going for another week. i love him. 


5. I am thankful for prayer. it truly does work. the pressing questions on my mind have bothered me 80% less then usual this week. You won't believe the levels of happiness this created. 


6. I am thankful my pops was able to get a job. He is such a great dad, and I am so proud of him. :) 


7. i am thankful for people who are always considerate of others. It's a trait you don',t see often in this "all about me world". Thus the reason i have made it a goal to never be the one to take the last slice. 


8. I am thankful for the repentance process. & the fact that there is one. 


9. I am thankful for examples of simplicity.


10. I am thankful to be here. 

 trying on wedding dress' while a girl who is actually getting married designs hers. 

 my house of bread i had for dinner the other night. It was toast with vanilla in it. :)