"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

scared out of my wits!

Well, turns out I know nothing about starting my own business. But I knew that from the beginning. In fact, I knew I wasn't good with numbers, that i quickly get ahead of myself, that promising Jacob and his family an education was a BIG concrete deal, and that i have zero dollars in the good ol' bank account. yeah, I knew all of that.

but i went ahead and started this up anyway.

It hasn't even been a week yet, and i am scared out of my wits! So much has potential to go wrong, and every time i turn a corner i find another mountain to climb. Why did i think i could start a business on my own? with no resources, and no experience? am i honestly THAT crazy?

yeah, I am crazy. But that is besides the point. I went ahead and started this movement because I have the capability to give Jacob an opportunity. And that is enough for me. It's going to be hard, I'm going to mess up more times then i can count, (seriously, i am bad with numbers.) and i might end up loosing all of my hair and friends by the time i see success... but it will be worth it.

to see Jacob walk into that school, hear him say his first English word, or watch the faces of his family as he runs to them after each school day to tell them everything that's happened.. those will be the big moments that all of these little trials add up to. Those will be the trophies of success, and the vision that, yeah, this was the right choice. :)

For moral support and sanity i have been reading a business book called 'Start Something that Matters' written by Blake Mycoskie. (the founder of TOMS.) It has given me superb ideas, loads of confidence in myself and my business, and has calmed my anxiety levels ten fold. The book is filled with inspiration from his own stories, and stories from other entrepreneurs. ( i can't even spell that word) It also has six simple elements to consider when starting a business, and loads of inspirational quotes to help move you past your fears or set-backs. This book as been a life savour! One of my favourite sections thus far is the one all about facing your fear. (no surprise there.) Some of the things I have found helpful and personally invigorating are;

"I knew what I was doing could change the lives of many people, and the desire to make that difference was stronger then all the fears i kept having to face." ( a quote from his mother when she wrote and published her own book about eating healthy. she sold over a million copies.)

"Fear happens, and it happens to everyone."

"Instead of responding to fear with action, to many people stop acting when they feel fear. They feel overwhelmed. They retreat. They give up. And often, they use it as an excuse not to start something that matters."

"Those who are successful face up to their fears, and create plans to overcome them."

"Have the courage of your convictions."

"Everyone who succeeds battles through adversity."

"Fear is one of our most powerful emotions, and the more we focus on it, the more it grows and distorts our behaviour. Focus on what you can control; your actions. How you react to negative feelings will be the key to your success. Becoming comfortable with fear, and acting confidently in its face, will not only give you more courage when facing it next time but will also greatly increase your chances of achieving success and happiness."

Honestly, i could go on and on. The book is filled with such great advice, and soothing anecdotes to anxiety.

Even as i sit here and write this, my stomach is doing belly flops and my skin is ridden with cold chills.  I AM SCARED. Actually, let's use the word terrified, I'm sure that more accurately describes it. My sleep patterns the past few days have been slim to none, my need to eat has gone right out the window, & my ideas for coping with all other personal matters is tears and music. I have no option to fail here. It's Jacobs education or bust.

perhaps though, it's not just my lack of knowledge in all aspects of what i'm embarking on that scares me.. but the potential that this.. idea, this movement, has a very good possibility of going big. Bigger then i anticipated, maybe even bigger then i can imagine. When I told Jacob's family of my idea.. things inside of me began to align. I could literally almost feel myself coming back together again. I now had a purpose infused with determination.. and i was proud of it. This fact scares the living daylights out of me!.. but it also has given me a reason to wake up in the morning, i want to see where this leads me, where it leads us.

so yeah, i know nothing about what i am doing. But what i do know, is that my life, Jacob's life, Jacob's families life, and perhaps other lives... will be changed because two days ago.. i was filled with courage of my convictions.

lets embark!