"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the good & the bad

bad -  today i made a purchase of a can of coke, a snickers, and some tissues. it's just been that kind of day.

good - nothing makes a day better like long emails from whomever. Especially interestingly detailed emails.

good - Our principal took us out for Cantonese food today. it was delicious! I love in China, when you go out to eat to fancy restaurants instead of ordering personally, you order a shmorgesboard of food and your table becomes a mini buffet. It makes for a great meal! Today we had some dumplings that were to die for. I also LOVE our school principal, and she loves me. Every time i talk with her, she is always laughing, makes a girl feel good. :)

good - random hugs from jennie. she loves to snuggle me and i love to be snuggled. it makes me feel needed on more then a HT level. I miss that.

bad - now that all the roomies are home, my house is dirty again. I can't tell you how nice it was to have a spotless home for a few days.. haha :)

bad - today when i was teaching my class, i knelt down and a little boy in front of me made fun of my fat legs. uncool kid, uncool. haha

good - i told Rainey today I wanted to look at wedding dress' in China ( just for funsies, no one freak out. ;) ) and she flipped! she got so excited. I love that girl so much.

bad - today i slipped while using the squater.... :( it wasn't very pleasant, i'll tell you that much.. haha

good - Jenna braved the language barrier today and got a hair cut. (which turned out super cute) But she raved mostly about the part where he washed her hair. "it was simply orgasmic!" haha, for two bucks? I'm in!

bad - last night i had a dream that i was on my honeymoon, and came home pregnant. but not normal pregnant, it was the fast kind of pregnant you only know about because of Twilight. It was freaky, and in my dream i just kept sobbing because i was so sad. strange much?

good/bad - i CAN NOT wait for the fourth of July!!!! I know it is a way's away.. but the thoughts of potato salad, home made cheeseburgers, corn on the cob, & baked beans has my taste buds in a frenzy. Not to mention J and I may be going to CA to meet my family and enjoy the wonderful beach. How lovely would that be?! :)

good - my parents. I love the support i get from them for being out here. My mom always emails me such long great emails, and my dad sends me occasional sweet love via FB. two things i couldn't live without. I really wish all of you could know my parents. They are such great people, and I truly love them so much. I miss them too. BUT! i'm getting pretty excited because it looks like the possibilities of them visiting me here before i head home is looking up!!! It's going to be SO wonderful to be able to share this experience with people i love. Nothing like it, i'm sure. :)