"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Saturday, March 17, 2012

the good, the bad, and the brilliant.

good- I enjoyed a lovely vanilla coke out on the balcony this evening as i watched the sun go down

good- lets highlight the "i watched the sun go down." thats right, I could see the sun today. & it was beautiful!

good- took a trip by myself down into the city. There is something magnificent knowing that not a soul you know in the world, knows where you are. It's a magical time, truly. :)

good- i had some more fried bread with egg and Chinese carrots. they seriously are soooooo good! & cheap too!

bad- somewhere along the way i lost 50 yuan. totally uncool.

good- I got to talk to my attractive man for a good long time this morning. I loooooooove talking to J. :)

bad- BBQ chips here taste funny.

bad- holding onto the rails in the bus. I need lysol. bad!

bad- when it gets even a little bit warm, dudes walk around with their shirts either off, or pulled up over their bellies. It's not so much bad as it is funny though. :)

good- Zhongshan really is a beautiful city. :) When we first moved here there was a lot of construction in this one area of our bus route, and today i saw it finished. The Chinese are so magnificent when it comes to street decor. :)

bad- i finished Friends, as we all know. a total bummer. but.....

good- I started Boy Meets World last night! One of my roommates has all the seasons. Isn't that fantastic!? though, i have to admit, i don't remember Tapanga being so weird.. haha Also, a note to point out, family values and TV have gone down an awful lot in recent years

good- I wore my bold, colourful, printed dress today. :) I looooove it! The best part is, it feels like i am not wearing a thing, it's so thin! Which will be good when this heat comes along.

bad- I bought a good looking coconut drink today... and i think the lady over charged me. & i couldn't even drink half of it, it was so sweet. Good, but sweet.

good- I got Jer's gramp's a gifty today. I'm excited :)

good- I am addicted. to bananas and peanut butter!! I could eat it all day long if possible. ( no one tell me this isn't a good idea..)

good- I did all the dishes, cleaned out the shelves, & washed my own hair today. If that isn't productive i don't know what is!

bad- Playing with Ducky today he got himself stuck in this little corner on our balcony... luckily i got the little dude out.

good- i found the most delicious chocolate milk of all time!

good- i finally finished going through my old blogs and fixing all my labels. It's so fun to go through all my old stuff. I love journal-ing online. :)

bad- because of my lost 50 yuan, i couldn't buy any today. :(

bad- some dude tried to steal my purse today. it put me in a bad mood for awhile. but not because of the fact he was stealing. But because of the fact I didn't remove my purse from harm at the first tug. I always feel bad because i don't want someone who just happened to bump into me think i'm accusing them of wanting to steal by jerking my bag away. stupid, stupid, stupid. saety first. always.

brilliant- being. alone. i loooooooooooooooooove it! Don't get me wrong, I love my girls. :)  but i can't even tell you how absolutly nice it is to not have my thoughts constantly blurted out. of my mouth. I like myself a lot more when I'm not boggled by humans constantly.. haha