At least I know where I will end up.
A couple days ago i updated my facebook status to "UVU, USU, SUU, or Dixie?" and within twenty minutes had over sixty comments. Each school has its ups. and each has its downs. But oddly, thats not what really matters. It almost doesn't even matter what I want to go into... its more about what feels right. And, I really believe that if you listen, you will find an answer.
things will work, or the won't. Things will jump off the page, our out of mouths, and you'll know BINGO! thats it.
ooor, sometimes nothing will come. and you'll just be sitting on your bed wondering "what now?"
BUT. no matter whats going on up there, on in there, or over there... what matters most is that you KNOW.
KNOW who you are, and where you CAN go.
and we? We can go anywhere my friends. :)
and I? I am going to touch the sky.
Really, I'm truly lost as to what to do. (even though I've posted numerous times that I've discovered my "one true calling.") Right now i'm leaning towards teacher, but anything is possible. and everything can change. right on.
I'm still gonna touch the sky.
I didn't get a full pale grant either.. which puts a bummer in my college career. But, at least I got a little something something. ..sorta. Grant or no grant though..
I'm still gonna touch the sky.
no matter what comes my way...
they SKY is the limit.
MY limit.