"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Why I can't get out of bed today.

If I get out of bed today, I know what’ll happen,
 I’ll immediately think of food, though I’m not even lackin.

I’ll make myself an omelet to cease up my achen
load it with cheese, tomatoe and bacon!

While this is cooking, of course I’ll need more.
So I’ll eat some muffins, oj, and some pop-tart smores.

After my omelet I fear I’ll still hunger.
So than I’ll need pancakes drizzling with syrup, like when I was younger!

Now breakfast may be finished, but lunch is on its way
don’t even get me thinking on how much I’m gonna weight…

I’ll need chicken and hotdogs, hamburger, fries,
 a shake and some chips and of course turkey thighs!

I’ll needa drink too, something fizzy and fine.
 How about dew, and DP! And ..sshhhh, red wine!

You may think I’m done, but next comes dinner!
By the way I eat, you’d think I was an ein Berliner!

No, no this is no joking matter,
this is the most important meal of the day, it’s the one that fills every platter!

With rolls and meat loaf. burritos and chicken!
Dinners not meant for little slim pickens!

Sigh… so now that you see my reasons to why,
I simply must stay in my bed…
...do I smell pie?!