"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

thankful thursday

1. I am thankful for the opportunities to learn and RE-learn lessons. I don't know what I would do without God's constant belief in me. 
2. I am thankful for emails from missionaries. I have lost contact with a lot of my dear friends since my move here, but I have been able to email a few. And their letters provide such a hope and love for me. Their letters are my personal treasure. 
3. I am thankful for the lesson I am learning that we can choose our emotions in every situation. Sometimes I get so caught up in a moment, and a surge of anger rushes through me.. but I know that if i take a step back I will be able feel a calmness from the spirit, and choose an option that will better the situation. "Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved."
4. I am thankful for all the amenities I have that bring goodness to my life. Films, the internet, books, music, people, etc. My life has been filled  and touched by so much goodness, and each time i take the opportunity to search it out, I am never disappointed. 
5. I am thankful for kindness. and for those who believe in it's true power. 
6. I am thankful for the Christmas season. I know it isn't December, but I am a big believer on the Christmas spirit living within our hearts all year round. That goes for Santa lovers, and Baby Jesus lovers alike. Christmas is just too good to be only celebrated for 25 days at the end of the year. :)
7. I am thankful that my brothers and mother weren't in a fatal taxi wreck this weekend in NYC. Whatever the reason they weren't able to get on a flight.. I am so grateful they remained safe. I love them all so much.
8. I am thankful for being able to discover my purpose here in China. 
9. I am thankful that I am learning that I don't need a tag to be a missionary. I have had the wrong mind set for so long, though with good intentions. I hope I can change that, and become a missionary for Jesus Christ in my every day living. Missionary douche style. (inside joke.) :) 
10. I am thankful for the spirit. and its small and simple whispers. 
& bonus?
11. I am thankful that I had to re-write this list three times now. For some unknown reason blogger, my proxy, or fate, has deleted this post three times. But it has only instilled my gratitude for each of these things even more so. :)