wowzers. Two Thankful Thursday posts right after each other. I better start doing some more blogging, eh?
Things have been pretty busy around here lately. Well, China busy.
I spend my mornings cleaning the house, and slightly cleaning up myself.. slightly. haha. and then head off to school.
Our final performance for the semester is coming up, and we've been practicing none stop for it! The little ones are so darn cute though, and each day they get a little bit better. Though practice's seem to drag on when their little heads can't stay quiet for more than three seconds. haha :)
After school, life is all about Jacob's Scarves. oh, and the sun. We are now doing a contest with Jacob's Scarves to hopefully generate some more donations and such. It's been working great! We've also ordered our personal tags for each scarf, and our business cards are in the works! It's been so wonderful!
When we're not working on JS's things, you can usually find us enjoying the sun shine, (we get so little of it sometimes!) devouring fruit, watching a movie, or taking a Chinese lesson.
Our favourite lesson thus far is learning how to do traditional Chinese painting! It looks so easy, but is actually sooo hard. But we love it! And (because I know J doesn't read my blog) just between the two of us, I am painting him a landscape picture with his favourite quote on it, in Chinese, for one of his souvineers. :) I am pretty excited. Cross your fingers I won't mess it up too bad! haha
And, that pretty much sums up life lately here in China.
Occasionally we will get random spurts of joy. Such as yesterday some Government officials asked us to perform for our city on the 15th this month. That should be a night to remember! And today Jennie and I made a chocolate cake in our rice cooker. :)
Every moment counts now. And life in China is ending with so much goodness! I have loved every moment. :)
However, I can't lie about how excited I am to see my friends and family, and especially my sweetheart. :)
16 more days to go!
so, i, uh, saw a camel on my way to the grocery store the other day.. yup. it happened.
after performing Lady Gaga again for Childrens Day
Met this kid when we went to see one of our students sister perform. He loved talking to us in English! But it made me miss Sergey SOOOO much!
My little Abby. She is such a cute spaz.
This little guy was tied up to a long string by his foot. Jacob's grandma caught him so Jacob could play with him.. cute idea, but it was so sad. :( They eventually let him go.. i think.
after fan-kung fu practice. It was SUCH a hot day!
my new skirt. loooooove it!
out to dinner with Boston and Lee at our favourite Cantonese restaurant. :)
I can't get enough of Jennies face in this picture!!
Jacob attacking me after school with my own water gun. What a stud. :)
apple vinegar drink. not too shabby, not too shabby.
These cute girls might be in ILP next year. Their so adorable!
Walking street at night. :)