(drives me crazy when i cant post these on thursday!)
1. I am thankful for sunshine. It has been raining a lot this week, which is great, but the sunshine makes me an extra happy girl. :)
2. I am thankful for phone calls from the boyfriend. Even if they are unexpected and while he's ordering In-N-Out without me. :(
3. I am thankful for the will and desire to run. Once I start i can't stop. It feels so good, and I've missed it so much. It's the best outlet.
4. I am thankful for quiet evenings and days.
5. I am thankful for having the ensign on my phone.. even if my app is a little temperamental.
6. I am thankful for my mom and her great advice slash willingness to be cool with me. :)
7. I am thankful for my two roommates that are so kind to let me use their computer when I ask. Since mine broke, I've been a slight leech. :/ haha
8. I am thankful for humidity. I am so not excited for the dry heat of St.George and Logandale. My skin is gonna HATE me. :(
9. I am thankful for little moments in life that help us to take a step back, and cool off.
10. I am thankful for fresh cucumbers right off the street. yummay!