"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

a list of things i don't really like

really hot rice on an already hot day
buggy bites
when people forget their worth
 most things that start with the letter “S” i.e. Satan, Semi’s, Sharks, Snakes..
not being close to jeremy
gossip talk. Fruit is better.
that craving for top ramen you get right before you’re about to go to sleep..
 when I finish a good book
being away from Jeremy.
filling out applications, forms, etc. Especially when you know they aren’t even going to read them!
 wearing heavy shoes, or shoes in general
loosing slash breaking yet another pair of sunglasses
 a teacher who isn’t passionate about their subject
 getting caught in the rain, and making love at midnight. ;)
when pinterest’s humor section isn’t very funny
not being with jeremy
 money and my inability to control it
 having to unlock a door before I go in
when someone doesn’t understand my sarcasm