"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Saturday, May 19, 2012



I think this is the number one thing I care about in a relationship. 

I can recall perfectly the moment when someone I really loved started pouring out family secrets to me. 
secrets about my siblings, my aunts & uncles, my own mother. 

I wasn't ready for this casual explosion of secrets over a light dinner of shakes and grilled cheese. But because of that experience, I learned that I want to be, and I want to marry, and I want to raise kids, that all would give their lives to be honest. 


I understand that not all the time is honesty easy. And I also understand that not everything needs to be talked about or discussed. But answers still ALWAYS need to have a firm foundation of truth. 

If there isn't a trusting and honest relationship.. then is there a relationship at all? 


Honestly? I would give anything to meet a person who was always honest. I don't mind if they are necessarily always right, or even if their truths are boring... just the fact alone that they are honest, would give them outstanding humanity membership in my book. 

By saying this I don't mean I love someone who "tells it how it is" because most of the time those "truths" and confessions of honesty are just pathetic. I am saying I like an honest person. In all of their dealings and such. 
Someone who others can point out and say, "That is the most honest person I have ever met." "I truly trust that person."


I wish I had spent my life being truly honest. & I wish I could say that I was even truly honest to myself. But, I am not sure if that would be true. I can say however, that I want to try harder. (and im not enjoying using the word try.)

I want to be an honest person as much as I want to know an honest person. 

being let down is no bueno.