"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

just human

Have you ever had those moments where you literally had to pause to put your hand over your heart, in fear it just might jump out? I've had a couple of those this week..

and it's nice to know I'm alive.

I went out tonight for my nightly coke from the corner store (the lady there is so sweet, she laughs every time i come in. i should just start up a tab ;) and couldn't quite rear myself back towards the apartment afterwards. It was nice to be completely alone outside.

My little city is a happen' place on Sunday nights. There are entire streets blocked off just for shopping and eating watermelon. Seriously, TONS of watermelon. I love it!

Tonight, i just felt like meandering around for a bit, and took a spin around our little market. I love to watch peoples faces as they see this giant white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair walk down the street like it ain't no big deal. Every body has a different reaction. Some people stop and stare blatantly, some yell out "hello! welcome!", some try their darnedest to get their kids to see and then laugh to themselves when their kid practically poops himself (they are so cute ;),  and others try to pretend I'm not there at all.. these are the ones i catch staring as i turn my head back around. It's really quite the delight!

The people here, and i mean everyone, are so nice! They all seem so relaxed and completely content with where they are going, and how they are getting there. No one seems to be premeditating anything. It's all just one big calm current. With a million songs blaring and horns honking. :)

After enjoying my evening out, i bought some watermelon and took it back home to share with Jacob.( The little guy really does kill me every time i see him. He is one of the reasons my heart pounds, actually. :) It was perfect timing as they were all sitting outside enjoying some yummy noodles. As soon as I showed Jacob the watermelon cup, he came right over, plopped down, and enjoyed them fully! His little cousin came bouncing into the courtyard soon after and joined in. Every one was just so delightfully happy, and simple. It was a wonderful way to spend an evening. One I won't ever forget, I am sure.

which brings me to the reason i felt like writing tonight.. so often i find myself so busy. Constantly on the look out for trap doors, continuously looking behind for rotten luck, and i swear to you i never cease to be thinking about something. Always, my mind is on some rampage that is one eternal round.

..but nights like tonight remind me that none of these things really matter. None of most of the things I think about really matter. Because I am simply human, and above all.. i should enjoy my human experience. And no, i don't mean I'm going to go out and drink boo's and show my goods to every filthy animal out there. I'm talking REALLY human. The kind I am sure God intended us to be. The kind that is naturally good and at peace. The kind that is genuinely connected and when quiet enough.. perfectly whole.

I've met very few people who are alive. and I've probably met even fewer who are human.
so it's nice to know that we all can play on both sides, that's why they call it the human experience.

and I know i've said it before, but i'll say it again, silence really does speaks.