"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Monday, March 26, 2012


When feeling under the weather? serve.

When upset by someone or something? serve.

when truly missing someone? serve.

When wishing you are elsewhere? serve.

When you can't kick the habits? serve.

When you've layed down for one to many hours? serve.

when in the need to break the ice? Serve.

When you see something that needs to change? serve.

When pride resides within? serve.

when church is too far away for attendance? serve.

in all things? serve.

Recently i've been feeling oh so blue. i can't seem to kick this awful state i am in, and every day it seems to get progressivly worse. tonight however, after dinner instead of coming back up to the apartment and falling asleep Jennie and Jenna stopped to ask if they could help the couple at the bottom  of the stairs, cut jean strings. I found them each happy, and quickly joined in the service. It was amazing to me how much better i felt almost instantly. Though it was so simple, the results were so profound. I don't know how i can forget this so easily. Service, unselfish and thoughtful, is the best answer to almost any question. I am so grateful for the gospel, and it's constant reminder that service is the key.

one of my favorite quotes is from the Joseph Smith movie at the visitors center. JS is chopping wood for an old lady when she comes to thank him. She tells him she doesn't agree with his religion, but is grateful for his service, and his quick reply is, "Well ma'm, you might say that is our religion." I couldn't agree more. :)

I've also found myself saying that i wish we had an oven so i could make people cupcakes and what not.. and by saying and wishing this, i've realized that i've come to crack up service to a bake good. Though they are delightful, service is much more then a colourful tasty cupcake. It's the smile that took awhile to muster, the plop of a seat near the sad stranger, the ball thrown for a kid who needs a friend, or... a pair of scissors and the simple gesture of the will to help.

I hope i can seek out the opportunities of service God has given me while i am here. And I am so thankful for the constant reminders and examples i have around me. I may forget too easily, but I always wish to remember. That's gotta count for something, right? :)