"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Saturday, March 10, 2012

little moments

Living in China is a whole different world. For starters, there isn't cheese, and there isn't butter in the grocery stores. Our toilets are in the ground, and toilet paper apparently isn't common knowledge. Little kids run around with a slit in the middle of their pants, and go whenever pleases them. and adults think the ground is their own personal trash bin.

But, i love it. i love it! i love it! i love it! i love it! There is something about everything here, that makes me feel alive. Simply walking down the street to our local One Plus One store is a marvelous adventure. The street food, as i get braver, gets better and better. And I'm willing to bet you there is no other place on earth where people are this nice. Not even happy valley Utah.

Sure we have our difficulties.
We live in the ghetto!! ( and i'm serious. some of my group went to another ILP school today and apparently they are living in luxury. clean streets, lots of tree's and shrubbery.. and the killer? its ACTUALLY quite!)
but here,

 If you walk outside the chances of you seeing a slaughtered dog being sold by the slice isn't slim.

The yelping from chickens and dogs, and donkeys down the street as they are prepared to be killed...only seems to get progressively louder as the night draws on.

Sometimes the smell is so bad i instantly feel the need to hurl.

When it rains, it pours, and the drivers dont mind if the walkers get splashed.

.and if you think you wanted to take a new road, think again because you may have just walked down the isle of death. China isn't called the cuisine of no waste, for no reason!

but my little personal, and shared moments through out every day.. make all of these things and more, simply part of the great adventure!

walking home, and waiting for the usual bunch of kids to run to the street to wave at you and say hello with giant grins.

watching and waiting until a little kid notices you and gets total excitement from your differences.

standing bum to bum, and face to face, on the bus' while we pack even more little people in.

watching as a family rides by on their motorcycle. That's right. I said one family, one bike. And im not talking one kid either.

Walking into the gates of our apartment to see our little bald two year old friend race to get outside

listening to the non-stop noises of the night. The horns, the fireworks, the children games.. china never sleeps.

dancing to the blasting music each local shop provides.

gaining the guts to try the weird food the nice guy on the corner makes, and then totally and completely loving it.

feeling like you just walked into a party for yourself, when you just enter into the regular ol' One plus One store.

Seeing Rainey laugh at you as you try a... not so good food.

and making people laugh as you randomly decide to buy a pretty turtle in the market.

all these little things and more have made me fall in love with China. It's a place of all places!

and it only continues to get better :)