"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Monday, March 26, 2012

just the good for today :)

On Saturday we spent the whole day at day spa. It was a place that had about 32 different hot springs with various uses. Such as a lavender pool for stress relief, an alcohol pool for a metabolism boost, & a rose pool for softer skin. We also sat in a little pool as little fishys nibbled at our toes, elbows, and fingers to eat dead skin. (it sounds gross, but it was so nice!) They also had a bed of hot pebbles that you can bury yourself in for some relaxing pressure. :)It was sooo relaxing & perfectly needed. They also served us lunch, dinner, and non-stop fresh oranges and coke! My kinda splendor! The most amazing thing however was not the day in general, but the price! We paid about 80 yuan, which is a little less than 13$!

i rearranged my room today after school. I wanted to put my desk close to the plugs so i could sit at my desk and write, instead of on my bed. hopefully this will help me go to bed at an appropriate time. ;)

 i had a long hypothetical conversation with Jeremy today that rejuvenated my will to succeed in all my hopes and dreams. No cutting the lines here, I'm headed straight for horizons!

the sun is shining today, which means im going to read a book on the balcony. :)

i have some new country music to listen to :)

Jer sent a package to me today. So sweet! this also means Lysol will soon be my closest companion! :)

everyone remember that incredible girl i'm lucky enough to call my cousin? Yeah, Tashi. Her mom finally got smart and started sending me her emails. Can i tell you how much i love this woman? she is pure joy. :)

we named the little boy down stairs Jacob. I'm glad, because he sort of reminds me of Jake Bridge. He has such an incredibly joyous face, and LOVES to play. :) I love jake. :) We named the little boys grandma Rose, because she is pretty like a flower. :)

christmas music belongs in every season.

I really love spring :)