"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Monday, February 20, 2012

China Catch Up

so i haven't been able to blog as of late because good ol' China is a little on the controlling side i suppose.
but i finally bunkerd down and paid for a website that would allow me to upload my photos to facebook, and supposedly write and upload photos on my blog.

unfortunately the upload pictures on the blog thing isn't so. & this tid bit has kept me from writing. But I'm having far too many great experiences, that i am now forgetting, to hold off any longer! so here is a little catch up game. the good, the bad, and the totally China. :)

Good news first:

1. Hong Kong was the bee's knees! things were in English, Mcdonalds was right around the corner, & I got to go to Disneyland there! (just kidding about the mcdonalds and english part. kinda.) seriously though, i LOVED Hong Kong. They have a metro system, which is definitally my ideal travel. They have pretty parks, and did i mention Disneyland? ;)

2. We stayed in a nice hotel in Hong Kong. Jennie was my roomie, so we had some good catching up the first couple of nights. :)

3. My coordinator is THE cutest chines girl in all of China. And her English is excellent so we rarely have bumps in our conversation. And if we do, they are bound to be hilarious.

4. Among all the people, and bus' ( which, traffic here is unreal. & i thought Russia was bad...) and buildings, there are BEAUTIFUL random parks with pagodas, or temples, randomly placed around the city. A perfect place for a Sunday outing.

5. I bought ALL the seasons of friends for 4$ each. and they are in AWESOME quality. yes, this is true. :)

6. often people ask me if I am Russian. I like this, it makes me feel cultural. ;)

7. A nice couple starting talking to us on the street yesterday, and then offered to buy us dinner. :) I love being American. ;)

8. we have become great friends with the bra store ladies. They are so sweet! & have AMAZING bra's. I can't even tell you how great. and beautiful!

9. p90x. this is in the good section for a VERY good reason. it totally rocks. :)

10. my roommates and i had to perform a skit in front of ... oh, 100 people or so. We planned in the night before and ended up winning an equivalent of 90$! we made awesome life-like masks of the Mulan characters and then used our mouths to lip sync "A girl with fighting for". We're pretty proud of ourselves. :P

11. i got my own room!

12. I think it's because there are no pesticides in the fruit... but i can totally eat oranges without having allergic reactions!! granted, i do take an allergy pill now. ;)

13. my random dance moves not only make Rainey laugh, but they seem to make all the people in our little part of city happy. We're thinking a full on dance party will take place in only a matter of time. :)

the bad.

1. Zhongshan really smells. & it is pretty dirty.

2. white rice. every. day. say hello to bigger hips. NOT! (thanks to p90x.)

3. money thieves. & racists. and smelly creepy followers.

4. missing my best friends farewell. :(

and the China.

1. Every morning at our school, before we teach, we get to do these dance exercise in front of, and with, all the teachers and students. though we may look foolish, it's actually quite fun!

2. For every Asian we meet who doesn't have an American name, WE get the awesome privilege of naming  them. :) So far we have an Elmer, a Trevor, a Nathan, and a pending Shelbi. :) Were bringing the people we love to China after all! :)

3. chop sticks. I am getting more used to them. :) I used them to eat my ice cream sundae today even. :)