"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Monday, November 14, 2011

why its worth it wednesday: blind followers (the real one)

so before i get into REAL story, let me talk about what happened LAST wednesday.

my laptop broke. :(
someone stepped on it, and my whole screen is cracked. :(
hence, no homework, no blogging, and no email. bahhh!
aaand apparently, that also means that if i leave my blog up on someone else's computer that they will probably hack it and write weird things like the previous post.

dont we all love roommates? :)

okay, back to the wednesday story.

In institute someone asked the question of whether or not my teacher thought the church was a cult. {apparently someone's watched the news} my teacher replied by saying, "well there are many ways a cult can be defined and one of those is a group of BLIND followers. and i hope none of you are thinking that YOU are a blind follower." Then from the back of the room Riley said, "I AM!!" - Riley has been blind since birth. His humor reminds me WIWI,