"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

to taboo for you?

a compilation of things i have thought about over the past couple of weeks. Due to incredible people and conversations along the way.

Its all about religion. Its deathly interesting, i promise. But I am almost positive you won't agree with everything I have to think or say. Which is fine. but ONLY if you let me know through conversation and not through wrath. If you insist on wrath  then I have no other way around this.. but to call you a coward. A coward of your own spirit. If anger is what you feel, then you are wrong. You will learn. 

1. I think It is not your moral obligation to share your truth with every person you come into contact with. Yes, if you want to share, by all means. But you don't HAVE to. Religion is a taboo topic; for good reason.

2. I think Truth and fact can be the same and also different. I say my truth is that the sun is made of gas, you say your truth is its made of mustard. But because its PROVEN fact that the sun is indeed made of gas, your truth is WRONG. HOWEVER, if my truth is that the BOM is true, and your truth is that it is not, BOTH are correct. Because it can not be PROVEN and it is not FACT, whether or not it is. To each his own. Meaning, believe in what you wish, because in a way, you create your own truth. BUT you are still accountable for humanities consequencies.

3. I think It is better to search for truth, then uncover lies.

4.I am a mormon. But in a way, I am also a Buddhist, Theaoist, and so on. and, visa versa. "the beauty of true Mormonism is that when we find truth in another religion, we have no obligation to reject it, but rather, are encouraged to embrace it" the 13th article of faith express it perfectly: "We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." There are many books, many people, and many religions that teach correct things. That teach and seek truth. In fact, there are many direct examples of the standard works' teachings being compatibly compared to the  the Buddhist Dhammapada, the Taoist Tao Te Ching, and the Hindu Bhagavad Gita. All of which teach extraordinary things to live by. Let it come from whence it may. 

5. I don't think religion is for all people. Believe it or not, some people handle life better on their own. Without "rules" or "obligations". and thats OKAY. Tis far better to be a better person in your own way, then to feel "stuck" and miserable and constrained through any religion. Goodness travels farther then titles anyway.

6. I think that in some cases, Atheist are closer to God then they think, or dare to realize. They have stripped all religious foundations from their method of thought, and have decided to conquer their existence on this earth based on FACT and what science can prove. God is science. God is everything. So in my thinking, Atheist are closer to God. They don't have anything filling them with fear, or making them regret being human. They simply live their lives according to the laws of the land and the thoughts in their minds, and that is that. They have no tomorrow, only today. ( however, i am aware that this is not all atheist. i just hope you are aware that these are MY thoughts.)

7. I admit my testimony isn't the strongest it once was, in a lot of areas. But there is a place I will NEVER loose my faith. And that is in the simple sound of music. I know God lives, because of the hymns we fill our Sundays with, and through the opportunities I've had to share music with total strangers. Music changed my life, and continues to do so, through a higher power then us humans can even fathom. It is God. It is pure. 

8. I think that all the answers your searching for are right inside of you. I often joke that I could never tell the difference of my heart or my head, so i use my guts instead. However, its not much of a joke at all. You see, I consider my guts, the center of my being. My spirit, if you will. And from my spirit derives purity, and knowledge that I have ALREADY established and gained, in a life long before this one. I think we all have "centers", a spirit. I just think many of us have layered over it soo many times with our constant addiction of searching, that it seems impossible to reach. But this is WRONG. Wipe away your layers, and there it will be. Unchanged since the last time you felt it. 

9. I think that after this life, we will always continue to progress. Even when we become Gods. God is perfect, because even He himself continues to progress. He has done all the personal growth He can possibly do, and now grows through us. We are his children, and his life. When we succeed, so does He. 

10. I believe everyone will eventually be exalted. God is an all loving God, and I believe He will give us chance after chance after chance, to be with Him, and to become like Him. I think this life is indeed a test, for us mere mortals to find light, and come unto Him.. but i don't believe it stops after death. I think by the life we live on earth, we create our own heaven and hell. And have to endure the consequences of our choices, but we can still, eventually, over come them. Throughout our existence our purpose is to overcome ourselves, so that we can become Gods. God won't end our quest prematurely. He has unwavering faith in us. And we should have the same faith for ourselves, and our fellow men. 

11. I think that any emotion besides love and humility is a waste of time. Don't spend your time feeling guilty, or angry, or wanted, or depressed, or lost. Spend it filled with love, and you will come to find that everything you ever wanted to feel, is encompassed. Love is all things. Love is God. Sure, its not easy. What is? But if you remind yourself that its YOUR  choice, its a whole lot easier. 

12. I think that missionaries are amazing, when they teach the truth they have found for themselves, and when they deliver their faith and truth in an open minded, loving, way. And that goes for all missionaries in any religion. As people, we must be examples, everyday, of what we stand for. We should live the way we understand. But this is not all we should do. We should share our happiness with others. But there is a fine line between sharing and demanding. To each his own. You have done your part, if you have shared what you know to be true. and if your doing it for the right reasons, God WILL be with you. What more could you want?

13. I think that the leaders of the LDS church are wise, brilliant men. And I believe what they say comes from God. However, if our beloved prophet told all his members to get up and move to Missouri, I would hope that each head of the house, and each family, and each knee would bend to ask God what they, as a family unit, should do. No matter what, the most important relationship will always be the personal one between you and God, and His Son Jesus Christ. 

14. I think Christ walks with us, every day. IF we ask Him too. I have literally felt His presence in my daily life, as i hussle about doing unimportant things. But, it has made all the difference. 

15. I think that listening in prayer, is far greater then asking anything. In fact, I believe listening in life, is far greater then opening your mouth.

16. I think that as humans, we must be constantly aware of what we are saying, doing, or thinking. It is all to easy for the advisary to enter into our meanderings if we are not on a constant watch. We may think we are saying one thing, when truly, we are saying another. "I am so sad you guys got to see that shooting star, and I didn't." compared to " I am happy you guys got to see that star, I'm sad i missed it." Even a little change can make a difference. Make sure you are aware of what that difference is. 

17. I think, if your going to talk about a taboo subject, you better make sure your talking. Because the moment you start shoving or yelling, your wrong. No matter what your saying. 

18. I think that whatever you choose to believe in, should be your choice. For the reasons YOU chose. Literally, to each his own. Life is a personal experience. Remember that. 

19. I KNOW that a family should never dis own a member. I don't care what they have done, or have threatened to do. Your family is all you've got, no one deserves to be misunderstood by their family. No one. 

and perhaps the perfect one to wrap this all up? I think that in life, there are three key points. 1, Create a personal relationship with YOUR God. I don't care if you call Him Ala, Science, Vishnu, or Christ; the point it, He is YOUR God, and He wants you to come unto Him. So go. Create a personal relationship. One that can withstand any hell storm life offers you. 2, Understand the God in you. We are all more than what we can see. Inside of us we each have a unique calling, a purpose, and a spirit that was created by the One and Only. Seek your divine potential. Become all you can be. and 3, Be a good person. Its as easy as that. LOVE others, care, cherish, help, and inspire the human race that swarms around you. We are all in this together. Meaning not only are we on the same path, but that we are as one. Together. BE A GOOD PERSON. A great human. 

And really, that is all. Life is basic, and simple. And in the end, Love is and will always be the answer. Have faith in yourself, and trust that the truth you find will bring you unto God. But most of all,
love lasts. 

To each his own. 
now, what say you?