"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am grateful for long walks with all my friends, and myself. :)

I am grateful for things getting back to the way they used to be :)

I am grateful for those who understand :) 

I am grateful for all the blogs I can read on a daily basis. Everyone is so inspiring :)

I am grateful for the incredible weather St.George has been having! :)

I am grateful for being able to go to the temple whenever I want. and for having friends who will go with me. :)

I am grateful for birthdays and holidays and other things that gather people around. :)

I am grateful for the isles in walmart that are decked out in pink for Valentines day. :) 

I am grateful for the move "The Holiday", its TOO good. :)

I am grateful for when I make healthy choices. :) 

I am grateful for my HUGE, comfy, welcoming, sun shiny, bed. :)