"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, January 13, 2011


have returned after a little hiatus :) 

I am thankful for St. Gorgeous. Its truly a breath-taking colourful place!


I am thankful that I got to make home-made donuts with my best friends on Monday. and they were YUMMY! :D


I am thankful for all the times I've gotten to sleep in. Sooooo nice :) 


I am thankful for liking my new blog. It makes it easier to write. :) 


I am thankful for Pandora and all the awesome music they bring me. 


I am thankful for having a temple so close. Its a blessing I never really realized pre-Russia. 


I am thankful for LONG friend discussions that fill you with light afterwards. 


I am thankful for all my friends who are planning on serving missions, or who are already out there. They're examples are the greatest. 


I am thankful for the scriptures and the blessings I've received since making the goal to read them everyday. And I'm thankful for my friend who is reading them with me. It makes it ten times easier to make sure its done, EVERY. DAY.


and, I am thankful for brand new days. :)