"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Sometimes I wanna go to a party and get wasted. just to see what its really like.

Sometimes I want to be one of those run-aways.

Sometimes I want to be a party smoker.

Sometimes I wanna got at it with a random guy.

Sometimes, I want to throw away all my morals. 

Sometimes I want to have a glass of wine after dinner.

Sometimes I want to let loose a stream of profanities. 

Sometimes I want to get in a fist fight with someone, and beat the crap out of em. 

Sometimes I want to wear a tank top and flaunt what I don't have.

Sometimes I want to sneak out of my house and steal the car. 

Sometimes I want to stop caring about every single person I know. 

but you know what? 

I don't.