At the beginning of this year, if you'd have asked me what my New Years resolution was, I would have proudly said I didn't have one. Surprisingly I hadn't given it much thought, and so simply came to the conclusion that I didn't need one this year. Previous years I have had LISTS of resolutions. This year? Nothing. My plan was just to do it. Whatever, IT was...
but today, exactly, ONLY, a week later... I think I may be breaking my New Years resolution.
I haven't blogged since my return home from Russia.. In fact, I don't even think I have breathed. All my good habits I gained while abroad? Right out the window.. All the goals, and plans I had saved up and ready? Gone. Though my return home to St. Gorgeous has been the epitome of sweet, its also been rough. In just a period of a few short weeks, I have had my fair share of mental breakdowns. Leading to? ...
nothing. so far.
except for the fact that right now I am deciding that with my new HUGE bed, i will make a goal. a resolution. a plan. whatever you will. And that is:
I want to fall into my bed every night.. mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted.
. I want to know that when I rest my lucky head on my comfortable pillow that i did EVERYTHING i possibly could to make people feel loved, to apply my skills and talents, to become a little better...a little happier, and that not for one minute did I let failure, regret, or others... stop me.
Thats my NEW New Years Resolution.
Cheers to the new stuff. Cheers to the old. and may you always remember that happiness... is gold.