"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, December 16, 2010


These will all be short and sweet, because I'm sure I will elaborate on all of these things, on a later date. 
plus, I'm exhausted. 
Playing Santa can be rough! ;)

Although I love my school, and the kids, I am thankful that today was our last day. All good things must come to an end, and we did it with a bang. :) It was great!


I am thankful for the beautiful shawl and matrushka doll my school gave me as a going away gift. They are incredibly beautiful :) and large!


I am thankful for the light snow fall today. A perfect setting against my red coat and white beard...


and on that note, I am thankful I was able to dress up like Santa Clause and deliver gifts to Sergey in his class today. It was the greatest moment ever!


Except, one moment beat it, and that was when Sergey jumped out of his car and gave me a big hug, right before we both left. I am SO thankful for that. :) 


I am thankful that I get to sleep in tomorrow!!!!!


I am thankful that I get to do a little cleanse of the body for the next two days. It will be soooo good for my entire insides. I couldn't even tell you how much junk is stored up inside. :/ 


I am thankful that I have the best son in the world, and that he has the best dad in the world. ;)


and, speaking of Dads, I am sooooooo grateful for mine! and I can't WAIT to give and get, a giant bear hug from him in only TWO DAYS!!!! I love him :D 

family photo ^^ :D