"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am thankful that this week seems like its flown by! I can't BELIEVE that it is already Friday tomorrow! :D
I am thankful that I have peppermint hot cocoa by my side tonight. :)


I am thankful that tomorrow the girls from World of Knowledge school are coming for a sleep over party!


I am thankful for memories. & all the lessons, and laughter they bring. 


I am thankful for the Ensign my mom sent in my birthday package. I just read a really good talk about the peace of soul, and it was what I needed to hear. 


I am thankful for Sergeys tan & safe return from Egypt. Although he got bit  by a small shark while scuba diving, he is safe. :)


I am thankful for writing letters to people. I really really love it :)


I am thankful for The Spirit, and its comfort. 


I am thankful for answered prayers.


I am thankful for the time I got to watch my sister dance on stage. I can't wait to watch her again :) 


I am thankful for being able to help out at the Refugee Christmas party put on by a Giza, a man in my branch.. It was such an amazing opportunity. A Russian experience I won't forget!


I am thankful for our homemade, beautiful, Christmas tree we made for FHE on Monday.


I am thankful for a warm apartment.


I am thankful that my toes have yet to fall off from the freezing cold bus.


and although this is five more then ten, 
I am thankful that on Wednesday our school was to "cool" for school, and got cancelled. :)

thats Sergeys Santa sleigh, complete with a jet pack & head rest. :)